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Muncie-Tremec-Saginaw-TKO-Top Loader-Richmond
T10 > T10 Mainshaft 27 spline or 16 spline
T10 Mainshaft 27 spline or 16 spline

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Price: $298.17
Availability: This product is back-ordered; it is unavailable for ordering at this time please come back or continue shopping.
Prod. Code: T10D-2PLUS

New T10 mainshaft, 27 spline or 16 spline.

27 spline shaft cannot be used with a bushed 3rd gear.

16 spline shaft is available for bushed or non bushed 3rd gear.

OEM equivalent part.

For GM applications. Will not work in Ford or AMC. 

(Inquire for poss. used on Ford/Amc shafts)